The Commission Ritual Method of making money online mainly involves getting a domain name related to a product or service, hosting it with a host that allows the hosting of multiple domain names on a single account, getting your site to the number one spot of the major search engines whenever the name of that product is searched for and finally monetizing the traffic that will be flowing to your website.
For example if you are promoting a site that sells commercial refrigerators, you might decide to purchase the domain name after doing some keyword research, because one of the keywords being searched for is "buy commercial refrigerator".
The commission ritual blueprint has over eighty (80) videos that cover everything from: * How to buy a domain name, * How to host your domain name, * How to install a content management system called WordPress, * How to make your website rank number one for your chosen keyword, * How to install plug-ins, on your website to help it rank, * How to find content for your website etc.
Commission Ritual also comes with ready made Premium templates so that you do not have to purchase any other template for you site.
commission ritual bonus
commission ritual bonus