Monday, April 26, 2010

How to Get Your Ex Back When it Was You Who Dumped Him

Getting an ex back is difficult if you were dumped. Think how you would be feeling if you were had done the dumping? That is the position that Susan put herself in, and she was determined to get her ex back.

Susan thought she had a best girlfriend called Marie. Marie was envious of Susan and Jimmy and she told Marie that her boyfriend Jimmy had been sleeping with another person. Without confirming the story or even talking to Jimmy about it, Susan confronted Jimmy and said she knew he had been sleeping with another woman.. Poor Jimmy was completely taken aback. He knew nothing of a rumor that concerned him. In fact Jimmy defended himself rather badly and Susan dropped him there and then.

Just a few days later, Susan discovered that Marie had lied to her just for the fun of it. Thus Susan found herself in a very in a quandary. Getting her ex back was primordial to her, but how could she do this without losing face? The very thought of this terrified her.

Susan rang Jimmy to explain what had happened. But Jimmy had decided he would not have her back. He had been very hurt because Susan had not trusted him and had not even discussed things with him.

Susan now had her work cut out to get her ex back, particularly as she had dumped Jimmy so unceremoniously..

The first thing that Susan decided to do was to write a long letter and apologies to Jimmy.
She said what had happened between them was all her fault and that she would never let it happen again. She talked about their long life they had had together and the good times that they had had. She said that she didn't want to sacrifice all this because of her rashness. She said the reason she reacted like this was she adored him and could not accept that he was frequenting another woman. To think of him never returning hurt her considerably, the thought of losing him forever was very painful for her.

Susan dispatched the letter Jimmy and decided not to bother him or have any contact with him at all for some time. She wanted to give Jimmy the space he needed to recover from what she had done..

When she next met Jimmy she was very kind to him. She casually reminded him of all the pleasant times that they had had together. She didn't start apologizing again as she considered she had already done so both verbally and in writing..

One day, Susan bought two tickets to a rock band that she knew Jimmy liked hearing and which was in town for one single concert. She suggested that Jimmy come with her as his friend. In this way, she let him see that she would like him back but was leaving him the time to make his own decision.

Getting an ex back after you have misbehaved yourself and dumped him can become very complicated. Not only do you have to apologize because you behaved foolishly, but you almost have to start from zero with rebuilding the relationship. In the period when you come back together, reinstating trust becomes the most important component. Your relationship should grow from such an experience.

This is "How to get your ex back when it was you who dumped him"

Joe Bisley

For further information click here

Joe Bisley writes articles about human relationship problems

Get Your Ex Back Product Reviews

The Magic Of Making Up

Friday, April 23, 2010

Dog Health Problems and Symptoms - The Three Most Common Revealed

A recent analysis of veterinary claims revealed the most common dog health problems, and below we'll take a look at what these are, and how you can recognise their symptoms. Remember to always consult your veterinarian for proper diagnoses and treatment.

1. Ear Infections

Ear Infections are the most common overall dog health problem reported by veterinarians, with an estimated 20% of dogs being affected. The severity, diagnosis and treatment can vary from dog to dog, so learning to recognize the symptoms, having them assessed by your veterinarian and administering the correct treatment will relieve your dogs suffering as quickly as possible.

There are several signs of a dog ear infection:

• A strange, often foul odor coming from the inner ear

• Consistent scratching and rubbing of the ear and/or head

• Discharge in the ear

• Overall changes in behavior including depression, tiredness and irritability

• Pain or tenderness of the entire ear area

• Redness or swelling of the inner ear

• Vigorous shaking of the head and tilting to a favored side

Dog ear infections, however are widely varied and there are a number of different causes including allergies, foreign particles, heredity, hormonal imbalances, parasites and trauma.

2. Skin Conditions

Skin conditions are second in the list of common dog health problems. Your dog's skin is their body's largest organ and is reflective of your dog's overall health, both mental and physical, and can be affected by inside as well as outside sources. Because of this it can be difficult to determine what the exact cause of the problem might be.

Dog skin conditions and dog skin disorders may show one or more of the following symptoms:

• Chronic inflammation of the inner ear canal

• Foul odor to the skin

• Greasy coat

• Hair loss

• Itching- mild to severe

• Large brown flakes

• Pimples and blisters that may discharge blood or pus

• Redness and irritation

• Scabs or crusts

• Very dry skin

• Dog Warts

Common Causes of dog skin conditions include parasites - (fleas, ticks, lice, mange, ringworm), poor quality food, toxic environmental pollutants, vaccinations, Atopic Dermatitis, psychological factors, and allergies

While the exact cause will need to be diagnosed and treated, there are a number of things you can do to make your dog more comfortable, which include applying Aloe Vera or Milk of Magnesia to the affected area or giving your dog an Oatmeal Shampoo.

3. Pyoderma/Hot Spots

Hot Spots, are a dog health problem known as Moist Eczema or Acute Moist Pyoderma and are commonly called summer sores. The symptoms are suddenly appearing, wet, circular patches of infection on the skin which create intense itching and irritation. They can be very painful, often discharging pus and can spread very quickly. Hot Spots can spread very rapidly across the skin surface and beneath the fur so they may be difficult to see, although common symptoms will be your pet scratching, licking and biting. Hotspots can get much worse within a matter of hours, in some cases leading to an extremely painful situation.

Treatment for hotspots involves drying the area, which may mean shaving the area of hair, to allow air space and healing. Daily cleaning of the Hot Spot with hydrogen peroxide, sterile saline or an astringent (preferably one with an antibiotic), every two-four hours for the first few days, will speed up the healing. Keep the area clean for at least a week, by which time you should see a clear improvement. Once they are no longer oozing, simply keeping the Hot Spot area clean will be all that's needed.

Some dogs never have hotspots while others can't get rid of them, and they are often linked to allergies to diet or shampoo. Other factors commonly include flea or tick bites, matted hair and warm weather.

It is vital that you learn to recognize the symptoms of dog health problems as your dog can't tell you when something is wrong. By being vigilant of your dog's behavior and overall wellbeing you will be able to pick up any signs, and solve their problems much quicker.

Dog healthcare expert and author, Rebecca Prince has put together a complimentary report on the most common dog health problems so that you can learn how to recognize your dog's symptoms and treat them appropriately. To download it instantly visit

Dog Supplements | Dog Vitamins

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Different Types Of Kitchenware For Shopping

There are a lot of brands which are being introduced into the market and more are being getting introduced these days. The competition is pretty tight in this field and people always prefer to have the best. They also get confused to get the right one they need. The same slogan is repeated by all telling that they are the best. This makes you even more confused. So it is always advised to decide about the purchase from house itself before stepping out to purchase kitchenware.

There are several questions to be depended upon before choosing a kitchenware. The question for how many people you cook would enable in determining the quantity of pots and pans and even the size of each of them. The next question that arises is about the food cooked by you often. Some may be make soups in large stockpots whereas others would never steam anything in stovetops as they use electric steamer. So by understanding the kind of food you cook it is easily possible for you to determine the kitchenware needed by you.

The most important thing to consider is the cleaning up process and how much do you prefer for that. If you go along with the cleaning process and like it then you could go for ordinary pans. But if it is a hell out then it would be pretty good to opt for non-stick cookware which would ease your cleaning process. There are certain easy cooking pots which help you to cook properly but cleaning those takes a lot of time and effort. Usually stainless steel is preferred by most of the professional cooks as it is light weight, less costly and even beautiful. But the only problem for the stainless cookware is that they are easy to work with but it is pretty difficult to clean them up.

Determining the type of stove also lets you finalize the kitchenware that is appropriate for you. This will let you know whether you need a flat bottom or round bottom pan. For all those latest induction cook tops, it is necessary to have ferrite in them which is magnetic in nature. The most important thing that determines your purchase is the budget. It was always recommended to buy the high quality cookware always as they are long lasting and also it only needs initial investment and then could be your soul mate for years to count.

The quality kitchenware lets you cook food faster and with ease. As you use most of the kitchenware every day it is very important to have them to be very comfortable to work with. The most important thing is to look for the weight and heft. The heavier kitchenware won’t warp over time and it is easy to control the heat in it too. Always look at the ductility of the pan. Never go for those which could be even slightly bend as they never stay long, always choose that kitchenware which makes you use for years.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Deaf Awareness: Listen Up!

There are an estimated demographic figure of 36 million deaf and hard of hearing in the United States. Of this large number, only a few million are considered “deaf” and the remainder are “hard of hearing.” Further confusing statistics is the fact that some “deaf” people may actually be “hard of hearing,” and some “hard of hearing” people may actually be “deaf.”

In previous years, the labels “deaf” and “hard of hearing” were employed as subcategories of the term “hearing-impaired.” During that time, it was used as a generic term that was applicable to anybody with any degree of hearing loss. However, some deaf people objected to the description of their hearing status as “impaired” because they felt that the term also implied that the person was “impaired.” Such degrading terms can actually cause depression and anxiety among deaf people and, thus, this generic label has been dropped.

The deaf and hard of hearing community is very diverse, differing greatly on the cause and degree of hearing loss, age at the onset, educational background, communication methods, and how they feel about their hearing loss. How a person “labels” themselves in terms of their hearing loss is personal and may reflect identification with their relationship with the deaf community or merely how their hearing loss affects their ability to communicate. They can either be deaf, Deaf (with a capital “D”), or hard of hearing.

Interestingly, the lowercase “deaf” is used when referring to the audiological condition of not hearing, while the uppercase “Deaf” is used to refer to a particular group of people who share a common language such as the ASL (American Sign Language) and culture. The members of this group have inherited their sign language, used it as a primary means of communication among themselves, and hold a set of beliefs and their connection to the larger society. They are distinguished from those who find themselves losing their hearing because of illness, trauma, or age. Although these people share the condition of not hearing, they do not have access to the knowledge, beliefs, and practices that make up the culture of Deaf people.

Generally, the term “deaf” refers to those who are unable to hear well enough to rely on their hearing and use it as a means of processing information. On the other hand, the term “hard of hearing” refers to those who have some hearing, are able to use it for communication purposes, and who feel reasonably comfortable doing so. A hard of hearing person, in audiological terms, may have a mild to moderate hearing loss.

To understand hearing loss, it is important to understand how normal hearing takes place. There are two different pathways by which sound waves produce the sensation of hearing: air conduction and bone conduction.

In air conduction, sound waves move through the air in the external auditory canal (the “ear canal” between the outside air and the eardrum). The sound waves hit the tympanic membrane (eardrum) and cause the tympanic membrane to move. Hearing by bone conduction occurs when a sound wave or other source of vibration causes the bones of the skull to vibrate. These vibrations are transmitted to the fluid surrounding the cochlea and hearing results.

Fortunately, there are many treatments that are available for hearing loss. People with conductive hearing loss can have the middle ear reconstructed by an ear, nose, and throat specialist. Hearing aids are effective and well-tolerated for people with conductive hearing loss. People who are profoundly deaf may benefit from a cochlear implant.

For people with hearing loss, it is a matter of deciding whether to treat it as an audiological perspective or as a cultural lifestyle. It's all about choices, comfort level, mode of communication, and acceptance of hearing loss. Whatever the decision, there are support groups and organizations that represent all deaf and hard of hearing Americans, and advocacy work that can benefit everyone, regardless of the type of hearing loss and background.

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Hearing Aid Styles Review Austin TX

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Beware The Lottery Scam

UK citizens have already been targeted by unscrupulous con men claiming that they had won the Canadian and Spanish lotteries. Unfortunately, many people fell for the scam and lost thousands of pounds as they responded to more and more telephone calls demanding cash to cover costs before their 'winnings' could be released. The cash is sent but the winnings don't exist.

It appears that things are getting worse instead of better with the UK National Lotto and EuroMillions being targeted along with successful syndicates such as e-Lottery. Also, the scams seem to be getting ever more sophisticated with people being contacted not just via email and telephone calls but by letter and text messaging as well.

These scams succeed because they are run by highly organized criminal gangs who are very professional. Both email and direct mail pieces are very convincing and telephone operators are very confident and reassuring. As always they target the most vulnerable, often the elderly. These people want 2 things:

Your Money
Your identity

So how does the lottery scam work?


They offer you something for nothing - such as:

you've won a major prize in a draw or a lottery (even though you haven't entered one)


They'll ask you to:

send money up front - an administration fee or tax, the list is endless but it's always a ruse to get you to give them money.

give them your bank, credit card or other personal details.

How to avoid becoming a lottery scam victim:

use your common sense! If you didn't enter a lottery ie buy a ticket up front, you can't possibly win it.

REMEMBER no legitimate lottery will ask you for any money in order for you to receive winnings.

If in doubt check with the official operators (all of them have warnings about this scam on their sites.

If you have received an email, text, letter or phone call that you believe to be bogus, delete it, throw it away or put the phone down. DO NOT reply in any shape or form. This will only confirm your details and leave you open to further targeting and harrassment. DO NOT be tempted to bank any monies that may have be sent as upfront payment. You will be liable.

NEVER reveal any personal, bank or credit card details.

DO seek advice from family, friends and other professionals.

Call Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06

Lottery scam warning signs include:

The use of hard to trace contact details such as free email addresses (yahoo, hotmail etc) and PO Box numbers.

the approach, whether in writing, by phone, email or text, is unsolicited

A very short time frame in which to respond to claim winnings.

A request for a 'processing' or 'administration' fee to obtain the winnings.

A request for personal, credit card or bank account details.

They ask you not to tell anyone about the deal.

Always remember that if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. However, despite the publicity surrounding the lottery scam it doesn't seem to be going away.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Looking For Adult Dating Sites But Don't Know Where To Begin - A Complete How - To Guide

Are you looking for love, a informal affair, or someone to date and get to know over a period of time Ask anyone who is single it's not as easy as it used to be At one time, people met potential partners through friends, but in today's busy world, where socializing and business often mix, many prefer not to keep their dating life separate. Adult dating sites offer a new option for meeting like minded people for fun, friendship and more.

If you are interested in finding a informal partner for an close relationship, adult dating place can help you find fun and sexy singles in your location. Most dating sites offer the ability to look through local guys and gals pictures, enabling you to choose someone that is to your personal tastes. Exchange a few messages, engage in some witty banter in the chat room, and you may soon find yourself with a friend who wants the same informal type of relationship as you do.

If you find yourself crunched for time, online dating can be very time effective. It takes very little time to build a good profile. A couple amusing lines and a good picture may be all it takes and you'll soon be receiving emails from attractive singles in your area. or if you prefer, you can do the contacting and choose only those you find attractive.

Sitting at home on your computer is something most people are doing in the evenings anyway, so making your evening entertaining by browsing through hot, local singles' profiles. Pretty soon, you'll find your free evenings aren't so boring and you'll have a playmate to fill your free time.

Adult dating place are completely interactive these days. You can talk to people in chat rooms, through text messages, or in one on one chat. Most adult dating place offer the option of voice chat as well, so you can hear how sexy they are without having to exchange phone numbers.

You can also look for people that are specific to your interest single parents, specific age groups, or civilization are just a few of the ways that you can narrow down your preferences. Adult dating sites give you the power to choose who you connect with and when.

Making connections through adult dating sites is fun and easy. Even if you are the busiest person around, you'll soon find yourself with fun, hot, and sexy friends to play with. Adult dating sites make being single a positive and will definitely make your life more interesting.

Michelle J. Martine is a writer for Dating and Romance Magazine []. The site provides readers with the latest insights and write-ups on all things on dating, romance and other related resources [].

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Why We Designed Our Own NAS Servers For Use In Our Data Center

Over the past few years, we at Technetium, Inc. have had the opportunity to deal with Snap because of our model 14000 Snap servers. One day we installed new managed switches and the Snap Web-based management console would no longer operate. It would just hang at gigabit speed. To make a long story short, after exhausting all of my options on the Internet, I sent Snap technical support an email to try and resolve the problem. Here is their response:

Your case, 000000000005476, was updated. Please refer to the information below for our response. Please Click here if you need additional support on this issue.

Please do not reply to this email as it will not be seen by a live representative.

Your Query:

I have 2 snap 12000s and they will not negotiate 1000tx to my Dell Powerconnect 5324 switch. I'm afraid to set the nic in debug to anything other than auto.

It also shows half duplex when the switch shows full duplex.

Thank you in advance,

Todd Foster

Our Response:

Good morning Todd.

Again this is not technical support. We can be reached on a pay-per-incident of $120.00 through our 2 numbers: 408-934-7274 and 321-207-2000.

Adaptec Customer Service

To my dismay, they wanted $120 just to talk to me, and my bet is they wanted another $1,000 or so to upgrade the software. On their Website I could not find any way to buy support for this model any more. And by the way, to add replication between 2 of their Snap servers, it would cost something like $1,000 per box.

So, here we are, with 2 boxes, no support, and I'll bet that you can't even buy parts for it any more from Snap, much less anywhere else (maybe eBay?).

Off we go to buy new NAS replacements. Originally these 14000's were $10K apiece, for roughly 1TB of storage. All things being equal, I should be able to buy a NAS box for really cheap (yeah right!). What I found was that a high-quality NAS system that would do RAID 5 would cost between $3,500 and 4,500, not to mention that a 1TB Snap 520 would be over $5K. That is when we decided to build our own NAS servers!

With a great backround in PC/server hardware, it was easy for me to pick top-quality hardware and brand name components. I still have Pentium Pro servers that work! I chose the best hardware, put it in a rack mount server case, and voila! I have a NAS server. Here is the list of components:

* FreeNAS redone to work with the hardware that we provide
* Kingwin 4 in 3 Multi-Drive Bay SATA Internal Hot Swap Mobile Rack, w/ Key Lock, LED Indicator & Two 40mm Cooling Fans
* SONY Beige DDU1615 Internal EIDE 16X DVD-ROM Drive
* Enermax ELT500AWT 500W Power Supply
* 4U IPC-4071 Rackmount Chassis Server Case - Beige Color
* Transcend TS256MCF45I-D flash card
* 4 ea. Seagate(ST3500630NS)500GB SATA 3.0Gb/s 7200RPM 16MB Buff Hard drive
* Addonics ADSACFW CF to SATA adapter
* 3WARE 9650SE-4LPML SATAII RAID controller
* INTEL XEON 3060 775 2.4G 4M
* 1Gx2|Kingston DII667 KVR667D2N5K2/2G

Dallas Cabling Service

data center

Monday, March 22, 2010

Benefits of Working In a Data Center

As the Internet continues to grow and produce large amounts of traffic the need for data centers and data center management increases. This continued growth creates data center jobs and IT careers in the technology field. Data Centers not only provide large hubs for Internet traffic, but it also completes the network infrastructure of most mid-large size companies. Data centers usually house thousands of computers, servers, and technical components. This in itself tells why it is a tremendous benefit to working within a data center. Just the amount of knowledge you can gain while on the job is rewarding enough. Having a data center job puts you on the bleeding edge of technology and hi-tech equipment. By working in a data center you will naturally be more advance than your peers who work in different industries experienced in technology.

Data center jobs consist of many different job types which fall under information technology, such as: system administration, network administration, IT security, computer operations, help desk support, server administration, pc repair, engineering, and so much more. If you ever been to school for a computer-related field or you always had an interest to work with computers then working in a data center should have been at the top of your list. Though, most do not consider data center jobs when looking for a job in the information technology field. This is mainly because data center jobs are merely overlooked. Most individuals consider working for a company or corporation in an industry other than data centers, mainly in a company like where they previously worked, before being technically inclined. Gaining a data center job is exactly why you went to school or aligned yourself within the technology field of work.

Data centers are inhabited with individuals who are fairly intelligent, usually skilled professionals with an educational background. The benefit of surrounding yourself with knowledgeable individuals is that it enhances your own technical aptitude and empowers your keen technical sense. Another benefit to working in a data center is many times the operations are around the clock (24/7), which means you may have the option of being flexible and working flex schedules, at your leisure. The biggest benefit of working in a data center is “stability”. The fact being that so many operations, calculations, and transactions depend solely on data centers - society cannot afford to lose data centers. Data centers will always be around and continue to thrive, so this means data center jobs will never fall short. Even in the wake of economic hardships, data centers still did not take a plunge or lose its clarity. If you are reading this article right now, then more than likely at some point a data center involvement allowed me to deliver this article to you. Data center jobs are for life!

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Factors That Cause Public Speaking Anxiety

In a survey done by Dr. Laurie Rozakis, author of Idiots Guide to Public Speaking, it was found that many people are scared to speak before a group. It is the number one fear among Americans, "--and the number 6 is fear of death," according to Dr. Rozakis.

Even the most experienced speaker gets anxious when speaking in public. However, this fear can be controlled so that you can put your fear to your advantage. This topic teaches us why people are nervous when speaking in front of a crowd and how you can conquer your fear.


People are afraid of rejection by their audience. Thus, many are terrified of speaking in public for fear of being criticized by the crowd for how they look or how they deliver their speech. On the contrary, audiences are very understanding about the speaker's problem with stage fright. You become more nervous when your fear of the audience increases.

Below are some strategies that can help you overcome your fear of the audience.

> Choose a topic that you like and you are familiar with. The more comfortable you are about your chosen topic, the more confident you are in facing your audience.

> Concentrate on your topic. Focus on your topic and not on yourself. When you start to think of your subject matter and not yourself, your fear of speaking will likely decrease.

> Say to yourself: "I am the BOSS." Trust in your capability of delivering your speech. Showing that you are in charge decreases your fear and increases your confidence in facing the situation.

> Don't think of your audience as a threat. Bridge the gap between your audience and yourself. Analyze carefully to establish rapport. You should consider age, gender and their level of expertise. Remember to analyze your audience.


There are two ways to win over your fear of failure.

> Picture yourself succeeding. If you think that you will stutter in front of many people, chances are you will stutter. But if you visualize yourself delivering your speech well, then, you will.

> Face your fear. You cannot overcome your fear unless you show it and admit that you are afraid of it.


> Write well. Take time to write your speech. Review it and rewrite if necessary. If you are confident with your speech, the less terrified you will be about speaking in public.

> Practice and ask for suggestions on how you can improve your speech. Ask a friend of relative to act as your audience. Once you have delivered your topic, ask for their feedback. Don't be afraid to hear about what they will say. Their feedback can give you insight on what is good or bad in your speech.

Public Speaking Training

Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

Monday, March 15, 2010

Money For Traveling - How to Manage Your Expenses

While traveling the world it can be easy to lose track of your expenses and before you know it, you may find yourself short on finances. You may find yourself having to leave early or skip some of your planned adventures.

The pleasures along the trip will tempt you to overindulge and spend money on every opportunity you can get. You may find yourself overspend on souvenirs or throw money away on luxury accommodations or food. So it is vital to have self-discipline and always mind your budget.

Here is how to manage your expenses without sacrificing fun and enjoyment on your trips.

"First things first, calculate your expenses before the trip has even begun."

Determine an estimate of all possible expenses on your trips. Do this before leaving your house. Even with rough approximation, you can be conscious during your trip and know when you are in danger of spending too much.

Allocate a budget for every activity. Estimates can sometimes be completely wrong but at least, by estimating and allocating budget, you will have a vague idea of your possible travel expenses.

Travelers should have buffer in terms of finances. Always have an allowance so you can implement contingency plans when you get yourself in trouble.

"Bring IDs and membership cards."

You can use discounts and benefits from any membership you may have. Sometimes, you'll be surprised to find that you can get freebies and price cuts from your affiliations. You cannot use these advantages, however, if you do not have any proof with you. IDs are the most common means of proving ones status or membership.

"Bring a calculator, just in case."

Actually, you do not have to worry about this too much. Cell phones have calculator features. Obviously, this is needed in instances where you need to figure out currency exchange and totals in a shared tab.

"Be on a look out for promos."

From airline tickets to restaurants, there are some great deals you can grab. More often than not, you can get the same services or products for a cheaper price if you just keep your eyes open. Businesses usually offer seasonal and off seasonal promotions.

"Don't underestimate the power of haggling."

Every so often, you will want to shop, especially for souvenirs, in marketplaces where you can exercise your abilities to haggle. Tourists are ordinarily ripped off their buck but if you haggle enough you can get items for a very cheap price.

"Have smaller bills ready."

You should carry American dollars with you on your travels even in foreign countries. US dollars can be used in almost any situation and they are great for tips and taxis. Some people may not carry change, so make sure to carry smaller bills.

"The most important thing is to have discipline and try not to overindulge."

Don't waste money on ridiculous luxuries. Sightseeing, wandering and observing cultures are cheap activities that will make your trip exciting and worthwhile. Instead of buying luxuries that remind you of home try to save your money for indulgences you can only experience away from home.

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Supporter of Gregory Reyes on his Court room Trial

I am writing in support of Greg Reyes to urge leniency in your sentencing. With all deference, he has suffered enough.

I am a corporate securities lawyer and have practiced law for 33 years since graduating from UCLA School of Law in 1974. I was (he first woman partner at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati where I worked for 21 years, leaving in 2001. (I am not writing this letter on behalf of Wilson Sonsini. I am writing on behalf of Greg.) I am presently Executive Vice President, International Strategy & General Counsel at Obopay, a start-up company in the Bay Area which provides a mobile payments service. I have worked in the Silicon Valley for all of my career. While at Wilson Sonsini, I represented many companies, from start-ups to Fortune 100, including Sun Microsystems, LSI Logic, Coherent, VA Linux and many others. I have worked with hundreds of CEOs and executives of all types.

I represented Greg's father for approximately 21 years and got to know Greg during that period. In approximately 1994 (I can't remember the exact dates), Greg asked me to represent Wireless Access of which he was CEO. I worked closely with him from approximately 1994 to 1996 or 1997 and would have continued to work with him when he joined Brocade had I not represented a competitor. Greg was a very talented and effective CEO and worked tirelessly to make the business successful. His team respected him and he was a good leader. He cared a lot about the people who worked for him and they knew it. He lived and breathed the business, consulted with his Board regularly and constructively. He frequently expressed his desire to do what was in the best interests of his employees and shareholders. During the time I worked with him, he always acted ethically; I never saw him cross the line. He listened to advice, engaged in discussion to understand the advice, but he always took the advice given.

While I represented Greg his children were born. There has never been a more loving and caring father. He was so proud of them. He has also always been devoted to Penny and despite these difficult last few years, has provided strength and support to his family. This experience has humbled him greatly and nearly broken his spirit I think he has made it through because his family, especially his children, needs him to be strong.

I would like to relate a story about Greg which I believe reflects accurately Greg's character. In 1995 my son, Connor, was in 5th grade and needed to do a school project m which he interviewed someone, wrote an essay and then gave a speech in class about what he had learned. Greg agreed to be the interviewee. He spent an entire afternoon with Connor teaching him about wireless paging technology, dug up information for Connor to help him with his report, had his executives describe the technology and gave Connor a pager to bring to class. During Connor's presentation Connor sent Greg a page and Greg paged him back. The class (and teacher) loved it The pager was a huge hit (remember that this was before cell phones were ubiquitous) The experience made a huge impression on Connor and for many years after that Connor told everyone that he wanted to be a CEO like Greg Reyes. This was one of those simple experiences where someone takes time to help a kid that changes the kid's life. I will always be grateful to Greg for taking time out of his busy schedule to help my 12 year old son. The truth is, I think Greg loved doing it. He loves kids and enjoys helping them.

I have known Greg well for many years. While the jury may have found him guilty, I believe Greg believed that he was acting in the best interests of the company He is hard driving CEO who wants to succeed but I can't believe that he would intentionally break the law. Greg has already been punished severely and he faces yet more legal difficulties. I urge you to be lenient.

Realtime Court Status

Gregory Reyes

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

NDS Roms

As a Nintendo DS console owner, you know the game library is too much for the average wallet. While game reviews and video footage appease the decision process in order to bring you the best entertainment, nothing quite beats playing the game yourself. Unfortunately DS game demos are nonexistent; your only solution is to download NDS roms. Roms are technically any kind of Read-Only file, but in this context it refers to a game. NDS roms are therefore Nintendo DS games ripped from their cartridges and put up on NDS download roms websites, and Peer to Peer (torrent) websites.

P2P (Peer to Peer) websites are set up so that your NDS roms downloads aren't from the website itself, but rather from its users. Torrents are the common file types for P2P websites as they are optimized for the multiple-user download system, pause and restart easily at any time, and let you upload bits of the data to other users. However there are occasions where you may aid in uploading viruses and other malware - in addition to getting them yourself. Additionally, the torrents themselves could have been tampered with to contain devious objects that will attack your computer or even steal files and important information from cache.

There are of course NDS roms download websites where you can download NDS roms that aren't torrents. Such websites are more reliable as they usually test all roms and cannot be easily interfered with by malicious users. Many sites provide downloads at no cost, but are they reliable? Free websites rely solely on donations, thus are restricted on budget. Fewer employees can be hired to verify roms for malware and reliability. Less powerful servers are purchased leading to common site outages for maintenance and bandwidth issues, causing the administrators to impose users with daily limit of NDS roms downloads or affecting the speed at which they download NDS roms. While the idea of paying a single membership fee on websites seems daunting, that fee goes to keep servers up for a faster and smoother download process than the free alternatives.

Ultimately your decisions to download illegally ripped NDS games, as well as which download method you support, are left up to you. With the safety of both your PC and DS in mind however, paid NDS roms download websites are recommended for the security and reliability they offer.

Learn how to download unlimited NDS Roms. Visit us at NDS Roms

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Win Your Own Lotto

When people talk about enrichment, they are usually thinking of financial enrichment. (Show me the money!) But, we can enrich many other aspects of our lives too such as: spiritual, mental, physical, and social, as examples. Winning the multi-dollar lotto is not impossible, but are you spending your life waiting for your fortune to come to you? For those of you that feel powerless at work, you have more control over your destiny than you think you do.

Why don't you win you OWN Lotto?!? Yes, that's right. What is stopping you from winning big in your own life?

A friend of mine owns a PC Support service called Geeks 4 Rent What started out as a hobby for him a few years ago is now his full time business. This is a guy who knew what he wanted and devoted most of his time, money, and energy to creating his own PC Support business. As someone who has worked at a Helpdesk for five years, I know that very few people have more knowledge of computers than my friend who runs Geeks 4 Rent. He is working at his dream job and gets paid very well for it. He won his own Lotto!

You can win your won Lotto if you embrace the challenge and possibility of the future. Remember the Charles Dickens classic "A Christmas Carol?" Scrooge had no desire to change. The ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future convinced Scrooge to change by showing him where he had been, where he was, and where he'd end up if he continued to live his life the way he did. By the end of the story, Scrooge was a changed man because he learned to embrace the future rather than be afraid of it.

Yes. Change IS scary. The unknown is scary too. Too many of us live with regret and we hold on to past mistakes. Of course, there are some regrets that we cannot overcome. But we CAN react to present events and be proactive about avoiding tomorrow's misgivings. What do you want your future to bring? What do you want your life to look like? How will you win your own Lotto?

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how win the lottery

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Getting A 21st Century Education


The current practice of today's generation looks at different lifestyles that one would like to follow suit. Usually, the lifestyle models are successful philanthropists who seem to find money on trees; literally. There is definitely a charm that endears a financially free lifestyle. However, most people consider financial freedom as a dream that is impossible to realize.

Unfortunately, this sad pessimism to life is the norm rather than the exception. We go about our days and years thinking that we can never be free from our debts or from the weight of different bills and cost. We continue to live our lives knowing this sad thought. Yet this idea cannot be further from the truth. Acquiring a new perspective, philosophy, and practice that reflects an optimistic view of our financial health is the heart of 21st Century Education

Defining 21st Century Education

The revolutionary yet simple mindset offered by this kind of education centres on the possibility of wealth creation and living a financially independent lifestyle. While this is the ideal result of a person who fully understands the heart of this kind of education, getting it is not easy. However, the standard is worth the investment. The sudden change of perspective will not only change our lives but will also change how we look into the different trends today.

Getting a 21st Century Education

The value of this kind of education hinges on certain learning components to help people make money instead of people working for money. The main goal is to create new methods to create wealth far removed from the standard wealth creating practices. While the wealth creation involves making opportunities, this concept finds new ways to make opportunities from a different standard ahead of our time.

The principle teaches financial rationality removed from our emotional decisions. It states that consciousness in making financial decisions is a function of how we react to different circumstances. By doing, the smart move despite what our emotions tell us, we are able to develop a way to control the way we react to events.

This concept also involves looking at the same thing differently. This enhances our problem solving skills as we think of creative ways to conclude different tasks. As an example, there are different ways to peel a banana yet we end up peeling bananas in the most common way. Sometimes, we readily see different solutions to a problem. However, we still insist on the standard solution. This principle breaks traditional problem solving methods in order to force us to be creative.

This kind of education also emphasizes the value of efficient communication, negotiation, and priorities in fast times. These skills will help us enhance our skills to turn ideas into reality. With efficient communication methods, we can readily converse with different people and share our profitable ideas. Having an idea is one thing, while applying it with good communication and negotiation skills is critical. Remember, everyone has ideas while making ideas work is not for everyone.

The concept hinges on a system of results, purpose, and action. While this principle is not new, the new perspective brought about by this kind of education tackles this system differently. A result focused, purpose driven, and action oriented persons are usually the successful people. This kind of education is the product of developing these traits.

Finally, financial freedom and getting a 21st Century Education involves planning a positive framework for your life. In the end, this is not about the value of money. Instead, it is the manifestation of our happiness. Having a list of priorities that will make you happy will give you an overview and a viable life structure. This is a holistic approach to financial freedom and designing our lives to help us live up to our potential. While getting a 21st Century Education is an investment, it is definitely what everyone needs.

Stevn Miller is passionate in learning wealth creation with 21st Century Academy's self-made millionaire Jamie McIntyre who has learned from the likes of Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Jay Abraham and many more. Visit Wealth Creation Academy website to learn more and get a free DVD or a free ebook.

Get a 21st century education from free online education websites today!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

2 Step Marketing

Do it Right.

I receive postcards all the time. The other day I received a postcard trying to sell me a copy machine. It had tiny, tiny lettering slathered all over the front and a large portion of the back of the card.

It was extremely hard to read, so hard in fact that I threw it away.

Several days later I received a postcard with 32 words on it telling me that I could get complete information on unrestricted long distance telephone service for 5.5 cents a minute with no additional monthly fee by calling the 800 number on the card.

I did call. I got the information, had my questions answered and ordered my long distance service changed.
The company who offered me the long distance service was using a time tested 2 step selling process:

Step 1. Generate a lead - Get me to call their 800 number.

Step 2. Provide the requested information - Provided to me on the phone by one of their sales representatives, who was able to answer my questions and make me feel confident that I could save quite a bit of money on my long distance bill and that the service would be as good or better.

What's So Good About 2 Steps?

It is much easier to create interest (a lead) than it is to get a person through an entire buying process (a sale).

You aren't getting the prospect or existing customer to part with any money just yet.

You can use postcards to inexpensively promote to your target prospects and customers and generate leads (inquiries about your products and services) to then be followed up on and converted to sales.

This 2 step process also helps you to create a list of people who were interested enough in what you offered to contact you.

You can then recontact the one's who you didn't complete a sale with when they first inquired, preferably until they do buy from you.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to get the information you will need to recontact the people who responded to your postcard offering.

Repetitive follow-ups with the people who contacted you will result in increased sales. Make it a company policy to follow up with those people who contacted you about your products and services.

The Most Effective Use of Postcards:

The purpose of your postcard's message is to generate a sufficient level of interest in the mind of your prospect to get him/her to contact you to ask you about your offer.

You are generating interest, not collecting their money (not yet anyway). That is what the 2 step marketing process is about. Generating interested prospects and customers who contact you for more information.

Your message needs 3 parts to be most effective:

1. A clear statement of the biggest benefit of your product or service (in the long distance example, it was cost savings).

2. A good reason for them to contact you NOW.

3. A simple, easy way for them to respond (an 800 number for example).

Your message should be short and to the point. Short messages on postcards produce more leads than long ones.

For example:

Call 800-555-1212 for Your Copy of Our Free Report:

What 99% of Business Owners Don't Know and Will Never Find Out About Using Postcards to Explode Their Profits

Offer ends 5-5-01 (Print a date 3 weeks from your mailing date to create some urgency)

Lots of people will respond to find out what they might not know. Don't forget, they responded, which is least some interest in the information you have created a curiosity about.

This method works and is sure to produce a large number of inquiries if sent to your proper market.

This 2 Step Marketing Process Works.

Use the tips you have read here to create your next postcard's message and see what happens.

You will generate a bunch of leads from people who are truly interested in your products and services.

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Friday, February 19, 2010

The big deal with motorcycle helmet

Motorcycle helmets have been a life saver for many people who are exposed to accidents. There are lots of stories where in the use of helmet have saved lives. There are thousands of stories that you can hear from people if you are somehow interested of how they have been saved because of helmet. In some cases the driver experienced death because they are not using helmet properly.

Accidents can’t be avoided if it is destined to happen but you can at least lessen its effect. You are facing real dangerous if you talk about motor accidents. The discipline should be implemented and this can be seen in proper wearing of helmet. There are now lots of countries who are implementing a law that tells that a rider should wear a helmet. This law has proven that the ratios of death in motor accidents have decreased. The good thing is that there are lots of countries who are using this law.

The good thing is that even the Motorcycle helmet companies are having its progress in creating a secured helmet for everyone. With regards to comfort you will no longer have any problem Comfort is not just the main thing that you need to consider as you also need to look at the protection it can offer.

The use of helmet is indeed not suitable for all the riders before. There are instances where in the biker are faced into a situation that he can’t hear a lot. Good thing is that this kind of problem has been solved already.

All you need to do is to select the right kind of helmet that is suited for you. It is better that you try wearing the helmet for a minute at first so you can decide. Looking unto the design is also important but be reminded that the essential thing is still your safety.

Motorcycle Helmet

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hair Extensions and Synthetic Hair

Hair extensions are made from one of two materials; real human hair, or synthetic hair. The latter is the cheapest option and is proving fairly popular within the hair extensions industry.

In a nutshell, synthetic hair is basically plastic and will never look as real as human hair. It is however, great for dreadlocks and certain other styles. Synthetic hair is less expensive; however extensions made from human hair tend to give a better result, naturally. Since getting extensions from a salon requires time and money, many people are finding clip-in hair extensions to be the fastest, easiest, and cheapest way to have multiple hair looks, and you don't have to be a Hollywood "It" girl or movie star. Synthetic hair is more fragile, and should be worn as they come, with little tinkering about or styling. You should NEVER use heat (blow dryers, curling irons, or straighteners) or apply too much styling products to synthetic hair.

Synthetic hair is made from man made materials and can be reproduced with very little variation. It can usually be shaped into styles by using the steam from boiling water to set the hair. Also, synthetic hair colours usually run a shade darker than human hair. Synthetic hair is generally used to for bright, funky fashion colours, such as pinks, greens and blues. Generally speaking, if you are wanting to achieve natural looking hair, then you should opt for 100% human hair extensions.

Synthetic hair is very easy to wear, and requires little maintenance. Unlike human hair the synthetic fibres need minimal or no styling after washing. It is made from materials such as nylon, polyester, kankalon or modacrylic and do not respond well to heat or friction. Synthetic hair is also used for manufacturing wigs, hair pieces and one piece pony tails.

Human hair -Usually of Asian descent, is the most versatile of all the hair types. It is available in a huge variety of colours, lengths and grades. Human hair extensions have the advantage of looking more realistic as part of your own hair but are quite a bit more expensive. This is generally because it has been grown and cut off specifically for this purpose, therefore making it more valuable than synthetic hair. It is then cleaned, and processed ready for sale. Human hair extensions can vary in quality as the hair is categorized into grades. The quality depends on the origin of the hair, and the age of the person it has come from. The cheapest hair generally comes from China and other Asian countries, and is thick and originally very dark, prior to processing and colouring.

European hair is one of the best, because of its light weight, strength, texture and high protein content which gives the hair longevity.Indian human remy hair remains the best grade human hair, with what is referred to as 'virgin' hair, being the ultimate in human hair for hair extensions.
It is recommended to see both hair types before proceeding with hair extensions to see what you prefer. It all boils down to one thing at the end of the day, and that is personal preference, so a little bit of thought beforehand would be wise.

Article written by Andy Black. A wide range of human and synthetic hair extension products available from Rapunzels Hair Extensions, such as clip in extensions and quality human wefts. A fantastic range of coloured hair streaks and accessories also available to buy.

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Smart Ways Of Decorating With A Super King Size Bed

There are various things that are going into a well decorated master bedroom. However, a lot of couples are realizing the significance of sleep. This is making several couples opt for larger sized beds. If you are one of them, there are smart ways of decorating with a super king size bed.

The main thing is that you have to confirm that the space is massive enough for this size. The truth is, most master bedrooms can. However, you do not have a massive suite, some changes will be needed in the room.

One of the main things that require to be changed may be the night tables. This does not mean that you've got to get rid of them, just get smaller sizes.

If you are still experiencing a drawback, remove them from the room and opt for floating shelves that you install on each side. Additionally, you may have to deal with the furniture placement. Rather than moving your furniture from one place to a different, that will be very making an attempt and tiring, there are other ways. Take the measurements of both the bedroom and the prevailing furniture. Then, use graphic paper so that your arrange is to scale. Cutout items of furniture, again to scale, and move those around on paper. Then you'll try the different placements.

Anyone can tell you how necessary it's to be well rested from a smart night's sleep. The actual fact is, it's the most vital issue in any bedroom. Therefore, think about your mattress quality as well. Attempt them out in stores by laying down on every one to form the best decision.

After that, decorating the room should be quite easy. You aren't limited to bedding collections. The fact is, nowadays a lot of than ever, you will be able to search out totally different linens in any size. Draping it with stunning sheer fabrics can conjointly facilitate to form it cozier. To maximise your space for storing, make positive you get a bed ruffle to cover items that you'll store under the bed.

Then, trying to tie in all the planning elements. In other words, it's not necessary to have the identical drapes as your bedding collection. Instead, pull out a color from the pattern that you select either on your window treatment or on your bed and apply it to the other. The bottom line may be a matter what size the bed is, it's specifically the same when it comes to coming up with and decorating.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

How To Make $26,498.50 Weekly: Will Commission Ritual Make You Money? by Stephen Brown

There are so many methods of making money online. Methods like Article Marketing, Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing, Forum Marketing etc. are used by people everyday to make hundreds and even thousands of dollars daily online.

The Commission Ritual Method of making money online mainly involves getting a domain name related to a product or service, hosting it with a host that allows the hosting of multiple domain names on a single account, getting your site to the number one spot of the major search engines whenever the name of that product is searched for and finally monetizing the traffic that will be flowing to your website.

For example if you are promoting a site that sells commercial refrigerators, you might decide to purchase the domain name after doing some keyword research, because one of the keywords being searched for is "buy commercial refrigerator".

The commission ritual blueprint has over eighty (80) videos that cover everything from: * How to buy a domain name, * How to host your domain name, * How to install a content management system called WordPress, * How to make your website rank number one for your chosen keyword, * How to install plug-ins, on your website to help it rank, * How to find content for your website etc.

Commission Ritual also comes with ready made Premium templates so that you do not have to purchase any other template for you site.

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